Debunking 4 Popular Diet Myths

With Saturday, May 6 being International No Diet Day, we thought we would debunk 4 of the most commonly known diet myths. Sentiments like “all calories are bad” or “this diet is better than that diet” are often vocalized with little to no factual evidence.

Myth #1: all carbs are bad

Ever heard of this one? Before you rush to clean out all the carbohydrates from your kitchen, this statement can be easily debunked.

Not all carbs come in the form of French fries or pizza. In fact, fruit, vegetables and whole grains are found to contain whole carbohydrates. By classifying carbs as “whole carbohydrates” and “refined carbohydrates,” we can better understand why this statement is actually false.

Whole carbs are often referred to as unprocessed or unrefined, meaning that they still contain the bulk of their vitamins and nutrients. Examples of whole/unrefined carbs include fruit, vegetables, oatmeal and whole wheat bread. These foods have not undergone a process to strip them of naturally occurring elements such as fiber and healthy fats.

In contrast, refined carbs have undergone a process (such as milling), which strips them of vitamins and nutrients. Examples of refined carbs are potato chips, white rice or sugary cereals.

Types of Carbohydrates

One major difference between the two types of carbs is how they provide your body with energy. In simple terms, unrefined carbs provide us long-term energy, while refined carbs are digested rapidly and lead to a quick spike in energy.

Due to the presence of fiber in whole carbs, our bodies are able to digest these foods overtime and keeps our energy steady throughout the day.

If you regularly consume soda or other foods with high sugar content, you may be familiar with feeling your energy spike and then plummet shortly thereafter. This is due to the lack of vitamins and nutrients in refined carbs. To avoid the feelings of an energy crash, we recommend introducing unrefined carbohydrates into your diet.

Here are some simple swaps you can make if you want to implement more whole carbs into your meals.

Processed/Refined Carbohydrate Whole/Unrefined Carbohydrate
Potato chips Whole grain tortilla chips
White rice Brown rice, quinoa
White breads Whole wheat or whole grain breads

While it is important to consume as many whole or unrefined carbs as possible, we understand that this is not feasible for everyone. Of course it is unrealistic to cut out every single processed carb, because who doesn’t crave a pizza every now and then? Everybody’s dietary needs and cravings are different, do not feel like you have to cut out all refined carbs for the rest of your life – you can learn how implement or swap in more unprocessed carbs instead.

Myth #2: steer clear of all fatty foods

In addition to other diet myths, this is completely false and should not be a statement you should revolve your food philosophy around. Just like carbs, fats are absolutely necessary for the body. According to the American Heart Association, “dietary fats are essential to give your body energy and to support cell growth.”

Similar to carbs, there are four ways to categorize the fats we consume: saturated fats, trans fats, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. In very simple terms, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated are considered “good” fats, while trans and saturated fats are not.

Trans fats are specifically found in highly artificial or processed foods. While more and more brands are prioritizing eliminating trans fats, it is still important to be mindful of what you consume. One way to guarantee you are not consuming trans fats is by reading a product’s nutrition label.

Saturated fats are often viewed as “bad fats,” however they are not as harmful as trans fats. Saturated fats are common and are often found in ingredients such as red meats and dairy (cheese, ice cream, butter). According to Harvard University’s School of Public Health, saturated fats “are best consumed in moderation.” If you are worried about your saturated fat intake, red meats and dairy can be replaced with items such as legumes or fish.

Healthier fats that can be incorporated into anyone’s daily meal routines include avocado, dark chocolate (who knew?!), salmon, olive oil and nuts.

Next time someone tells you to avoid all fats, now you know that myth’s been busted! Don’t forget your body still needs fats for fuel and healthy fats are a great way to do that.

Myth #3: nothing can replace the protein you get from meat

Sorry meat-eaters, but this diet myth’s false. There are many non-meat alternatives for plant-based or vegetarian eaters. While it may be difficult to transition from meat to vegetarian protein, there are many options that provide the appropriate amounts of protein necessary.

Since everyone’s protein intake differs, the protein choices you choose will vary. Below are some non-meat protein alternatives for both vegetarian and plant-based diets.

Vegetarian/Plant-based protein sources

  • Whole eggs or egg whites
  • Quinoa
  • Tofu, tempeh, seitan, edamame
  • Legumes (chickpeas, lentils, soybeans, kidney/black/pinto beans)
  • Nut butter
  • Chia seeds, hemp seeds
  • Ezekiel bread
  • Soy milk, almond milk
  • Oats, oatmeal
  • Protein-rich vegetables (sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach)

Myth #4: long-term juice cleanses are good to detox and nourish your body

Similar to other diet myths, this one can be easily debunked. After a day or two of indulgent eating, it can be tempting to opt into day-long juice cleanses. It is no secret that many celebrities and influencers endorse and do juice cleanses, increasing the rage about them. However, juice cleanses are not a healthy replacement for eating full, nourishing meals.

This begs the question: why are juice cleanses so hyped up? For starters, a lot of juice cleanse companies vocalize the idea that you should not or do not have to eat while on a juice cleanse. That means, for however long you are choosing to cleanse, you consume nothing but juice. Some brands take a different approach and say that it is O.K. to snack lightly while on the cleanse.

However, most companies do not promote consuming regular, nourishing meals in addition to the cleanse. Consequently, your body is deprived of vitamins and nutrients that come from whole foods.

For example, juices do not contain parts of the peels or rinds from fruit or vegetables. Fiber is stripped from whole fruits and vegetables during the juicing process but a lot of the sugars are sustained. According to Mayo Clinic, Fiber aids the body in digestion, lowering blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels.

There are some positive effects from juicing such as consuming micro-nutrients and hydration. However, the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine point to some significant negative effects of juicing. They explain that juices contain little amounts of protein and healthy fats, which can lead to a protein deficiency. Additionally, because of the sugars in juice a consumer’s blood sugar tends to spike and crash, leaving them feeling tired and hungry.

Juicing substitutes

To some, juice cleanses may be helpful but for most, it will not be a satisfactory replacement for meals. Some safe and healthy alternatives to juice cleansing include:

  • Incorporating more whole fruits and vegetables into meals
  • Consume smoothies instead of juices (blending retains more of the vitamins & nutrients of fruits and vegetables)
  • Eat more raw foods
  • Try a soup cleanse
  • Practice intuitive eating to avoid feelings of needing to cleanse after indulging

There are plenty more diet myths lurking out there. Hopefully now, you are able to identify them and avoid feeling trapped in the cycle of diet culture. By incorporating unrefined carbs, healthy fats, plant-based proteins and avoiding juice cleanses, you are finding ways to honor your body and health without pressure from diet myths.

Managing Your Seasonal Depression

After what most of us wish was an endless Summer, the majority of the contiguous U.S. turn their clocks back an hour for daylight saving time. Despite the initial feeling of gaining an hour of sleep, the sun setting at 3 or 4 PM often brings feelings of seasonal depression. This blog will explain what seasonal depression is, the signs and effects it has, and how to combat it.

What is seasonal depression?

Seasonal affective disorder (informally referred to as seasonal depression) is a form of depression that’s impacted by the change in season. In most cases, seasonal affective disorder occurs in the Fall and Winter months but can also emerge in the Spring.

According to Mayo Clinic, some of the symptoms of seasonal depression include:

  • Feeling depressed throughout the day on most days
  • Having lost interest in hobbies or activities you previously enjoyed
  • Feeling low energy
  • Changes in your sleeping habits (oversleeping or insomnia)
  • Feeling easily agitated
  • Finding it difficult to concentrate
  • Changes in your appetite

While these symptoms may overlap with those of clinical depression, seasonal depression often starts and ends around the same time each year. In contrast, major depression doesn’t have a “clear” cut off for when symptoms will end. Those that seasonal depression impacts may be able to easily identify it if it occurs persistently.

Causes and sources

Typically, seasonal depression is understood to be caused by the change in season, weather and amount of sunlight. However, some scientists believe that hormones are at play here. As stated by Web MD, chemicals such as serotonin and melatonin are impacted by the change in seasons.

During the Summer, when sunlight occurs throughout the majority of the day, your serotonin levels are more or less regular. Serotonin is a chemical hormone produced by the brain and it helps to regulate your mood and emotions. 

Due to the decrease in sunlight throughout the Winter months, your brain may make and release less serotonin. As a result, symptoms of seasonal depression such as feeling down, depressed or fatigued.

Another hormone that may cause seasonal depression is melatonin. Similar to serotonin, melatonin is a chemical hormone produced by the brain in response to darkness/nighttime. Ultimately, it helps to regulate your circadian rhythms or body’s internal clock. 

In the darker Fall and Winter months, your body slows its production of both of these hormones. Since it becomes darker earlier in the day, your body’s melatonin is released way sooner than normal. If you find yourself feeling exhausted before the workday even ends, this is probably why.

Additionally, the lack of sunlight reduces your serotonin levels. When combining the lack of serotonin with the reduced levels of melatonin, your brain reacts by feeling depressive emotions or thoughts.

Ways to manage seasonal depression

Coping with seasonal depression can seem difficult at first glance. However, there are 3 simple things you can do during your daily routine to mitigate some of the side effects. These include staying active through movement/exercise, eating foods that boost serotonin levels, and exposing yourself to as much light as possible.

Since some of the common side effects include feeling fatigued, lethargic, and low-energy including movement throughout your day can combat these feelings. Now, this doesn’t mean you need to start training to run long-distance (although, it’s a great form of exercise). Movement and physical activity include exercise like yoga or simply getting your steps in throughout the work day.

Food & seasonal depression

Another way to soften the side effects of seasonal depression is to include serotonin in your diet. According to Medical News Today, there are a number of foods and ingredients that contain tryptophan, an amino acid that assist in the formation of serotonin. These foods include:

A third effective method to cope with seasonal affective disorder is to invest in light therapy. By using a light box with a white or blue light bulb, your brain is directed to produce more serotonin as it believes it’s day time. Light boxes help to mimic outdoor light or sunshine with hopes of combating the side effects of seasonal depression.

If you are unable to invest in a light box, simply finding ways to expose yourself to sunlight will help mitigate the side-effects. Try waking up earlier, taking a morning or afternoon walk, or sitting outside on sunny days.

Seasonal depression is extremely common and you’re not alone in feeling this way during the Fall and Winter months. By listening to your body and recognising the symptoms, you are one step closer to finding coping mechanisms that work for you. Whether that’s eating foods that boost your serotonin, staying active, or reaching out to your doctor about light therapy – it is definitely possible to manage your seasonal depression. 

The Health Impacts of Stress Eating

During this “new normal” many of us may have let our health and wellness goals fall to the wayside. One major change in your health goals may have something to do with stress eating. Shifts in our typical dietary habits are one of the most common changes.

Specifically, stress-eating has become a popular coping mechanism as news related to the coronavirus continues to unfold. In turn, this has caused a number of people to experience significant health ramifications. These changes can impacted our mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Whether you have acknowledged your stress-eating or not, it’s important to be aware of the negative effects. Read on to learn about how stress eating may be impacting your overall well-being!

Weight gain

One of the more obvious health impacts of stress-eating is weight gain. Emotional eating tends to push people towards high-fat, surgery foods. They are often referred to as “comfort foods.” This is due to the release of certain stress hormones such as cortisol, which works to increase appetite and motivation. Consequently, this results in you eating more food than normal.

High levels of cortisol and insulin are the hormone responsible for absorbing the extra sugar in your blood. When combined with the hunger hormone ghrelin, we tend to turn to high-calorie junk foods as a way to ease our nerves.

While stress-eating has proven to be effective in counteracting anxiety, it is not beneficial for preventing weight gain, which is why it’s important to monitor your food intake and calorie consumption.

What You Can Do: To avoid sabotaging any weight loss goals you may have and stop those additional pounds from accumulating, practice intuitive eating. By doing this, you’ll be able to further monitor your food intake and your body’s needs.

Beyond that, be sure to keep up with physical activity. Hiking, swimming, running, or a simple at-home workout are all great ways to combat those extra calories caused by stress-eating!

Acne & Stress Eating

A clean, clear, healthy-looking complexion isn’t only dependent on the skincare routine you follow and the products you use. Rather, it pertains to the ways in which you care for other parts of your body like your immune and digestive system.

When you eat foods that have a high glycemic index, you’re causing your blood sugar to spike rapidly. When this happens, your body produces more insulin, which can trigger inflammation in the skin and sometimes can cause blemishes to occur, according to studies.

Additionally, high-cortisol levels can often send your body’s sebum (oil) production into overdrive. Therefore, it’s easy to understand why stress-eating can wreak havoc on our skin.

What You Can Do: It’s a good idea to introduce low glycemic index foods into your diet. Foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and unrefined carbohydrates better support your immune system and keep insulin levels low.

Aside from that, you’ll also want to focus on skincare. To maximize results, consider using specialized acne treatment products in your skincare regimen a few times a week. This will help to target blemishes and breakouts more effectively and prevent future acne from occurring.


The integral relationship between the foods we eat and our mental health is an ongoing topic of research. The connection between blood sugar fluctuations and nutritional imbalances can have an impact on our mind and general well-being.

An improper diet that comes as a result of stress-eating can be detrimental to your mood. The minimal nutrition that often stems from stress eating can cause you to miss out on vitamins, minerals, and other necessary nutrients.

Your gut holds 90% of your serotonin receptors, which are the neurotransmitters responsible for regulating your mood. That being said, poor gut health caused by stress-eating may be reducing your energy levels and worsening your mood.

What You Can Do: Although it may be easier said than done, try limiting your intake of processed foods. This can do wonders for your mind and body. Remember to pay attention to the way certain foods make you feel by jotting down your thoughts in a food and mood journal.

Additionally, try to make a point to practice other mindfulness activities. Even if it’s only for ten minutes a day, taking some time out of your schedule to practice yoga or meditation will be a sure-fire way to improve your mood!

It’s important to find healthy coping mechanisms that support both your wellness goals and overall well-being. Instead of relieving stress through emotional eating, try following more mindful practices like the ones listed above. After all, your health does deserve your utmost attention! It’s never too late to start implementing routines that make you feel good!

Mental Health: It’s Time to Make It a Priority

Physical wellness is too often prioritised over mental health. While it is important to take care of your body, it is equally as important to focus on mental wellness too.

Making mental health a priority does not need to be complicated. You do not have to take an expensive vacation to relax or spend every single night meditating. This article will detail why it is important to take care of yourself mentally and list some everyday self-care routines.

Defining mental health

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), mental health “is a state of well-being… and is fundamental to our collective and individual ability.” 

In other terms, mental health allows us to “think, emote and interact with others.” Promoting mental health allows people to improve their psychological state.

Usually, mental health is colloquially termed “good” or “bad.” However, this adds to stigmas people face and cannot be used accurately to describe everyone’s experience. The impacts of psychological health differ greatly between all sorts of people.

Medical News Today explains “peak mental health is about looking after ongoing wellness and happiness.” When life becomes stressful or overwhelming, it can be hard to look out for our individual happiness and prioritise wellness.

When people experience mental illness, it can create a variety of complications. Additionally, these indicators manifest themselves in various ways depending on the individual.

The Mayo Clinic lists the below as some common symptoms that arise due to overlooking mental wellness:

  • Feeling sad or down
  • Confused thinking or reduced ability to concentrate
  • Excessive fears or worries, or extreme feelings of guilt
  • Extreme mood changes of highs and lows
  • Withdrawal from friends and activities
  • Significant tiredness, low energy or problems sleeping
  • Inability to cope with daily problems or stress
  • Major changes in eating habits
  • Excessive anger, hostility or violence
  • Suicidal thinking

Why is spreading awareness important?

Mental health awareness is often overlooked, so it is important to promote it whenever possible. Additionally, it is essential to let those know struggling with this that they are not alone.

Spreading vital information about psychological health allows for people to resist the stigmas that accompany it. 

Raising awareness about mental wellness can help people recognise the signs and when to seek help. Additionally, being aware of the signs allows individuals to be proactive in their mental healthcare.

A major part of mental health awareness is rejecting the stigmas. Too often, people struggling with mental health deal with shame and pressure of needing to prioritise their wellness.

The first step in taking care of yourself is by feeling supported by those around you. People should not have to feel ashamed of taking a mental health day.

Since mental health can impact people differently, the remedies will vary as well. Below are some simple ways you can practice self care and prioritise.

Taking care of yourself

The list of self-care practices is never ending. Here are a few simple things you can do to take care of your mental wellness.

  • Journalling: this is a great way to express your feelings, thoughts and reflect on your day
  • Hangout with family or friends
  • Spend the day outside, get some fresh air
  • Pinpoint reasons for your stress, think of ways to find balance
  • Experiment in the kitchen with new recipes
  • Take a mental health day off work: when your body is telling you to slow down, listen!
  • Seek out therapy or counselling: it’s more than okay to reach out when you need help
  • Spend the day doing things that make you happy: get back into your hobbies!
  • Meditate or practice yoga: mindfulness allows you to focus in on your intuition and can create a sense of relaxation

This list is not exhaustive. There are many other forms of self care and mental rejuvenation. Finding the activities and habits that best suit you is key.

Finding down time in your busy schedule is already difficult enough. However, it is important to remember to take time for yourself when you’re feeling burnt out. 

Listen to yourself and be aware of the signs. Your mental wellness should not be pushed to the wayside. 


A Quick Guide on Flexitarian Eating

So you’ve heard about veganism, the paleo diet and good old fashioned vegetarianism. As of late you may have seen the term “flexitarian” pop up more and more.

Other than being a new buzz word, what does flexitarian eating really mean?

What is it?

The flexitarian diet was coined by Registered Dietitian Dawn “DJ” Blatner. As listed on DJ’s website, the word flexitarian is made up of the words “flexible” and “vegetarian.”

Essentially, the idea of this diet is to allow people to minimize meat consumption as opposed to restricting it entirely.

A traditional vegetarian diet restricts the consumption of meat. For some vegetarians, cutting out animal-by products such as dairy or eggs is a part of the diet as well.

This can be somewhat confusing to those who are unfamiliar with the various differences between diets. As such, flexitarian is increasingly becoming a more popular way of eating.

Unlike some other diets, eating flexitarian doesn’t have a strict set of rules or guidelines. Being a flexitarian is more of a lifestyle than it is a diet. Those who choose to adopt this lifestyle are also choosing to not restrict certain foods.  This gives people more freedom with what they can eat.

In simple terms, flexitarians focus on eating a plant-forward or vegetarian diet most of the time. However, when a craving strikes or when someone simply feels like eating meat, they do just that.

The choice to be flexitarian is to not punish yourself when you want to eat meat. Instead, it promotes listening to your body and openly choosing to eat more vegetarian-focused meals on a daily basis.

DJ sums the above perfectly on her website: “the most important part of flexitarianism is not how many meatless days you have, but how many more vegetarian meals you prepare.”

Therefore, a flexitarian chooses to eat most of their meals like a vegetarian or plant-based eater but give themselves grace to consume meat when they want it.

Reasons for Eating Flexitarian

The reasons for living a flexitarian lifestyle differ from person to person. However, there are a few trends across the board.

For some, eating flexitarian is more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Meat consumption leads to greenhouse gas emissions which ultimately impacts climate change.

However, eating meat in moderation is absolutely safe to have as a part of your diet. As such, flexitarians give themselves room to consume meat here-and-there.

Other reasons to eat flexitarian include introducing more fiber or vitamins and minerals into your meals. Essentially, this diet focuses on consuming more plant-based, whole food ingredients such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

According to Registered Dietitian Alyssa Pike, “plant-based foods can help you get your daily dose of dietary fiber,” which is important as most people don’t meet the required amount of daily fiber.

Another potential reason or benefit is that it may decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies have cited this to be due to the increase in nutrients, antioxidant vitamins and better-for-you ingredients.

In addition to the reasons above, many of those that follow a flexitarian way of eating choose to do so to make a lifestyle change. Depending on your lifestyle goals, choosing to eat this way may come with its own personal list of reasons!

Things to Eat While Flexitarian

So, what does eating flexitarian actually look like?

There are in fact some major differences between what it means to eat vegetarian and flexitarian. For some, eating vegetarian involves eating everything but meat (and sometimes dairy/eggs).

While vegetarians might feel free to eat more pre-packaged or processed foods, the flexitarian diet actually cautions against it.

Specifically, flexitarians are encouraged to consume whole plant foods. This includes fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains. As such, this promotes eating a more whole foods diet as opposed to processed foods.

However, that doesn’t mean you are prohibited from eating pre-packaged meals when flexitarian! Our Cauliflower Kung Pao bowl is a great meal option when you are trying to focus on a more plant-focused diet.

To elevate and meal prep the noodle bowl, we focus on pairing it with plant-based ingredients such as edamame and tofu. Learn how to make our Cauliflower Kung Pao Meal Prep Bowls! They are a perfect fast and affordable meal prep idea for plant-based eaters.

While some diets and fads can be confusing, being flexitarian is not. If you are looking to ease your way into plant-based eating or simply want to become a semi-vegetarian, flexitarian eating may just be the lifestyle for you.

Debunking 4 Popular Diet Myths

With Wednesday, May 6 being International No Diet Day, we thought we would debunk 4 of the most commonly known diet myths. Sentiments like “all calories are bad” or “this diet is better than that diet” are often vocalized with little to no factual evidence.

Myth #1: all carbs are bad

Ever heard of this one? Before you rush to clean out all the carbohydrates from your kitchen, this statement can be easily debunked.

Not all carbs come in the form of French fries or pizza. In fact, fruit, vegetables and whole grains are found to contain whole carbohydrates. By classifying carbs as “whole carbohydrates” and “refined carbohydrates,” we can better understand why this statement is actually false.

Whole carbs are often referred to as unprocessed or unrefined, meaning that they still contain the bulk of their vitamins and nutrients. Examples of whole/unrefined carbs include fruit, vegetables, oatmeal and whole wheat bread. These foods have not undergone a process to strip them of naturally occurring elements such as fiber and healthy fats.

In contrast, refined carbs have undergone a process (such as milling), which strips them of vitamins and nutrients. Examples of refined carbs are potato chips, white rice or sugary cereals.

Types of Carbohydrates

One major difference between the two types of carbs is how they provide your body with energy. In simple terms, unrefined carbs provide us long-term energy, while refined carbs are digested rapidly and lead to a quick spike in energy.

Due to the presence of fiber in whole carbs, our bodies are able to digest these foods overtime and keeps our energy steady throughout the day.

If you regularly consume soda or other foods with high sugar content, you may be familiar with feeling your energy spike and then plummet shortly thereafter. This is due to the lack of vitamins and nutrients in refined carbs. To avoid the feelings of an energy crash, we recommend introducing unrefined carbohydrates into your diet.

Here are some simple swaps you can make if you want to implement more whole carbs into your meals.

Processed/Refined Carbohydrate Whole/Unrefined Carbohydrate
Potato chips Whole grain tortilla chips
White rice Brown rice, quinoa
White breads Whole wheat or whole grain breads

While it is important to consume as many whole or unrefined carbs as possible, we understand that this is not feasible for everyone. Of course it is unrealistic to cut out every single processed carb, because who doesn’t crave a pizza every now and then? Everybody’s dietary needs and cravings are different, do not feel like you have to cut out all refined carbs for the rest of your life – you can learn how implement or swap in more unprocessed carbs instead.

Myth #2: steer clear of all fatty foods

In addition to other diet myths, this is completely false and should not be a statement you should revolve your food philosophy around. Just like carbs, fats are absolutely necessary for the body. According to the American Heart Association, “dietary fats are essential to give your body energy and to support cell growth.”

Similar to carbs, there are four ways to categorize the fats we consume: saturated fats, trans fats, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. In very simple terms, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated are considered “good” fats, while trans and saturated fats are not.

Trans fats are specifically found in highly artificial or processed foods. While more and more brands are prioritizing eliminating trans fats, it is still important to be mindful of what you consume. One way to guarantee you are not consuming trans fats is by reading a product’s nutrition label.

Saturated fats are often viewed as “bad fats,” however they are not as harmful as trans fats. Saturated fats are common and are often found in ingredients such as red meats and dairy (cheese, ice cream, butter). According to Harvard University’s School of Public Health, saturated fats “are best consumed in moderation.” If you are worried about your saturated fat intake, red meats and dairy can be replaced with items such as legumes or fish.

Healthier fats that can be incorporated into anyone’s daily meal routines include avocado, dark chocolate (who knew?!), salmon, olive oil and nuts.

Next time someone tells you to avoid all fats, now you know that myth’s been busted! Don’t forget your body still needs fats for fuel and healthy fats are a great way to do that.

Myth #3: nothing can replace the protein you get from meat

Sorry meat-eaters, but this diet myth’s false. There are many non-meat alternatives for plant-based or vegetarian eaters. While it may be difficult to transition from meat to vegetarian protein, there are many options that provide the appropriate amounts of protein necessary.

Since everyone’s protein intake differs, the protein choices you choose will vary. Below are some non-meat protein alternatives for both vegetarian and plant-based diets.

Vegetarian/Plant-based protein sources

  • Whole eggs or egg whites
  • Quinoa
  • Tofu, tempeh, seitan, edamame
  • Legumes (chickpeas, lentils, soybeans, kidney/black/pinto beans)
  • Nut butter
  • Chia seeds, hemp seeds
  • Ezekiel bread
  • Soy milk, almond milk
  • Oats, oatmeal
  • Protein-rich vegetables (sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach)

Myth #4: long-term juice cleanses are good to detox and nourish your body

Similar to other diet myths, this one can be easily debunked. After a day or two of indulgent eating, it can be tempting to opt into day-long juice cleanses. It is no secret that many celebrities and influencers endorse and do juice cleanses, increasing the rage about them. However, juice cleanses are not a healthy replacement for eating full, nourishing meals.

This begs the question: why are juice cleanses so hyped up? For starters, a lot of juice cleanse companies vocalize the idea that you should not or do not have to eat while on a juice cleanse. That means, for however long you are choosing to cleanse, you consume nothing but juice. Some brands take a different approach and say that it is O.K. to snack lightly while on the cleanse.

However, most companies do not promote consuming regular, nourishing meals in addition to the cleanse. Consequently, your body is deprived of vitamins and nutrients that come from whole foods.

For example, juices do not contain parts of the peels or rinds from fruit or vegetables. Fiber is stripped from whole fruits and vegetables during the juicing process but a lot of the sugars are sustained. According to Mayo Clinic, Fiber aids the body in digestion, lowering blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels.

There are some positive effects from juicing such as consuming micro-nutrients and hydration. However, the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine point to some significant negative effects of juicing. They explain that juices contain little amounts of protein and healthy fats, which can lead to a protein deficiency. Additionally, because of the sugars in juice a consumer’s blood sugar tends to spike and crash, leaving them feeling tired and hungry.

Juicing substitutes

To some, juice cleanses may be helpful but for most, it will not be a satisfactory replacement for meals. Some safe and healthy alternatives to juice cleansing include:

  • Incorporating more whole fruits and vegetables into meals
  • Consume smoothies instead of juices (blending retains more of the vitamins & nutrients of fruits and vegetables)
  • Eat more raw foods
  • Try a soup cleanse
  • Practice intuitive eating to avoid feelings of needing to cleanse after indulging

There are plenty more diet myths lurking out there. Hopefully now, you are able to identify them and avoid feeling trapped in the cycle of diet culture. By incorporating unrefined carbs, healthy fats, plant-based proteins and avoiding juice cleanses, you are finding ways to honor your body and health without pressure from diet myths.

4 Benefits of Green and Black Tea

Since their origination in China, green and black tea have been known to be some of the most beneficial beverages to drink. Both types are full of antioxidants and offer a number of health benefits.

The benefits and reasons for drinking do differ between the two types. So, what are some of these benefits of drinking green and black tea?

Benefit #1: Caffeine

Both green and black tea contain traces of caffeine. This is a benefit to you if you need a little pick-me-up and do not consume coffee or energy drinks.

According to Mayo Clinic, eight ounces of brewed black tea contains 47 milligrams of caffeine while the same amount of green contains 28 milligrams. If you are looking to benefit from the caffeine in tea, we recommend brewing a fresh cup of black tea.

Why is black tea stronger than green tea? Why are the caffeine levels higher? It’s all dependent on the production process, also known as oxidation.

Simply put, oxidation is a scientific process using oxygen. Black tea, is oxidized (left to react with oxygen) for longer, which turns the leaves into a dark color. Therefore, black tea has a stronger and deeper taste.

In contrast, green tea is not oxidized for a long time – the leaves are heated and dried before any oxygen can react with the leaves. This is why green tea has a lighter color and taste.

So, if you need a little boost of energy, black tea might just do the trick!

Benefit #2: Antioxidants

Both green and black tea contain many antioxidants. However, according to Healthline, green tea tends to have “stronger antioxidant properties.” What would the antioxidants in green tea do for you?

For starters, they prevent free radicals, which lead to the breaking down of cells in your body. Consequently, your body’s damaged cells make you prone to getting sick.

It is important to note that the formation of free radicals occurs naturally in the body. Therefore, drinking green tea does not rid of all free radicals. What it does is provide your body with antioxidants to decrease or prevent the impacts of free radicals.

Sources such as WebMD cite studies that show the antioxidants in tea have been proven to:

  • Decrease the chances of heart disease
  • Decrease the chances of stroke
  • Lower “bad” LDL cholesterol

If you are trying to add more antioxidants into your diet, brewing a fresh cup of green tea is a simple way to incorporate them!

Benefit #3: Improving digestion

Black tea has been found to aid in supporting digestion and promoting gut health. Due to the probiotics in black tea (there are some in green tea too), the beverage assists in balancing out your microbiome.

As explained by Susanne Henning, PhD on Well and Good, “black teas are prebiotics, substances that induce the growth of good microorganisms that contribute to a person’s well-being.”

Some ways you can incorporate black tea into your diet include fresh brew (both hot and cold) and kombucha. The best way to reap the benefit of black tea is by consuming it in its natural form and without a lot of added sugar.

Benefit #4: Great for skincare

Both black and green tea are often used in skincare products. You can often find them in face masks, eye patches and lotion.

For example, StyleCraze lists black tea as beneficial to decrease puffiness. They recommend placing cotton pads soaked in black tea under your eyes to reduce under-eye inflammation.

Similarly, green tea is very soothing for your skin, especially when it comes to combating acne. Due to the antioxidants and antimicrobial characteristics of green tea, it helps to reduce oil from your skin.

The most popular ways to implement green tea into your skincare is often through products that contain green tea extract. These can include face washes/scrubs, face masks or topical serums.

Whether you decide to consume it daily or implement it into your skincare routine weekly, green and black tea come with many benefits.

Either way, these natural brewed beverages are a great way to boost your antioxidant intake and improve digestion.

What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive eating (IE) is a philosophy or practice that is drive by an individual’s body and personal eating habits. Even if you are unfamiliar with the term, you may be practicing IE unconsciously. Unlike labeled diets and fads, intuitive eating does not include following certain restrictions. This practice allows individuals full freedom over their eating choices. Here is our breakdown of what IE is and how to fit it into your lifestyle.

The basics of intuitive eating

At its core, IE promotes eating when you are hungry and listening to your body when it is full. This can be easier for some and not others. Unlike diets, intuitive eating does not provide guidelines for how, when and what to eat. For example, on the paleo diet you are unable to eat products that include dairy, sugar, grains and even legumes. In contrast, adopting an intuitive eating perspective allows all foods to fit for all sorts of people.

The difficulty behind this is that you are the sole decider of what to consume. This means trusting your body and hunger signs completely. As a result, someone who follows IE has the freedom to choose what and when to eat. To achieve this, listening to your body is key.

For starters, you have to identify and listen to your body’s hunger signs. The signs are not universal amongst everyone but can include (and are not limited to):

  • Feeling of an empty stomach
  • Growling or grumbling from stomach
  • Feeling light-headed, dizzy or fatigued
  • Physical weakness
  • Feeling agitated, grumpy, irritable

Secondly, IE allows someone to honor their cravings. Is your body telling you to eat more veggies? Are you hungry for a high-protein meal? The beauty of IE is that nothing is off limits. You have complete control over what to fuel your body with. Again, this is easier said than done for some people. Intuitive eating is by no mean easy to adopt but there are small steps that can lead you in the right direction.

How to eat intuitively

There are a few tips and tricks to begin your intuitive eating journey. There are some standard or basic tips but you will also find there are practices that will work for you personally.

Here are some standard tricks:

  1. Find peace with yourself and your relationship to food.

The hardest but most important step to an IE journey is finding peace and acceptance within yourself and how to see food. One way to do this is to reject fads and diets that shame people into conforming to certain body standards. Breaking away from the cycle of comparison and forming habits of self-love is a step in the right direction. Hopefully, this promotes a healthy and guilt-free relationship with food. After all, food is how we fuel ourselves!

  1. Understand the differences between emotional hunger and physical hunger.

These two different types of hunger are exactly as they sound. Emotional eating involves eating based off of your emotional state: boredom, stress, sadness, anger. At times like this, you are not necessarily eating based off of your physical hunger. Instead, you are turning to food based off of your emotional state. This can be an exceptionally difficult practice to break and requires you to listen actively to your body.

  1. Start with what you’re comfortable with.

If you want to adopt the practices of IE but struggle with certain foods, that is okay! We recommend starting from a place you are most comfortable. If you feel comfortable eating a specific food but not another, don’t push yourself too fast or too far.

By eating what your body wants and what you are comfortable with, you will begin to find an open and honest relationship with food. As a result, you can begin to work on eating and enjoying foods you once struggled with. The beauty of intuitive eating is that you can start where you are most comfortable and grow from there. IE allows all foods to fit and denounces restrictions – it’s all about tuning into what you and your body need.

Why IE?

Intuitive eating is a great place to start when you are ready to mend your relationship with food. If you have or are struggling with food freedom, IE gives you the space to find what works best for you. By rejecting diet culture, you are opening yourself up to food freedom and non-restricted ways of eating. Adopting intuitive eating practices will open possibilities of feeling comfortable with food! The opportunities are endless when eating intuitively.