Looking to Avoid the Gym? Get Fit at Home Instead.

Looking to Avoid the Gym? Get Fit at Home Instead.

Going to the gym is a hassle! I used to dread packing a gym bag, struggling to find a parking spot and then waiting in line to use the equipment.

When my frustration was at an all-time high, I canceled my gym membership and started implementing my own workouts at home. I was surprised to see some amazing results using almost no equipment! I also noticed I had MORE energy and so much more time to spend with my loved ones like my daughter Ayla!

If you are looking for some workout freedom, try these 5 awesome exercises you can do at home with almost no equipment!

  1. Squat jumps: This plyometric movement is great for blasting fat and burning calories.
    Start with your feet hip distance apart. Squat down bending your knees, making sure your toes do not extend over your knees. Then explode up pressing through the ground into a jump! Complete 10-15 reps!
  2. Push-ups with knee tucks: This move will activate your upper body and core! Start in a push-up position. As you lower to the ground, drive your right knee towards your right elbow. Push up and return to starting position. Repeat on left side. Complete 10 reps each side.
  3. Side to side lunges: This move will increase your heart rate while building those strong glutes! Start with feet in a neutral position. Step right leg out into a wide stance and bend right knee lowering into a side lunge. Explode back up pushing through your right foot and return to standing. Repeat on left side. Complete 10-15 reps each side.
  4. Side plank dips: Increase your balance and tone your core! Start in a side plank on your elbow with your feet stacked. Lower your pelvis to the floor and then lift back up to starting position. Complete 10-15 reps each side.
  5. Reverse planks: This may be the most challenging equipment-free exercise! Start sitting on the floor with your legs extended out straight, place hands palm down just behind and outside of your hips. Then push up and lift your body until it forms a straight line from head to toe. Hold for 30 seconds then release. Repeat 5 times.

These are just a few moves to get you started! Other equipment-free moves you can do anywhere: tricep dips, walking lunges, squats, plank jacks, high knees, tuck jumps and mountain climbers! These moves can make a total body workout! I also recommend running, walking, hiking and biking to add some cardio to your routine.

Having the freedom to workout anywhere will totally change your routine! You do not need the gym to get a workout in… you don’t even need equipment! All you need is a good pair of sneakers, a little motivation, and a positive attitude!


Article Courtesy of Kim Perry.

Looking to Avoid the Gym? Get Fit at Home Instead.

Kim is a dedicated and energetic Fit Mom and blogger. As a prenatal and postnatal expert, Kim shares time-saving workouts, quick healthy meals and ways to live a happier life! She is a mother and a teacher who shows busy women how to live the life they want through mindset shifts and energy building tools!

Easy, At Home 10 Minute Workouts

Easy, At Home 10 Minute Workouts

Ain’t nobody got time for a workout! That’s why I keep my workouts short and effective! If you want to see results, but don’t have time for a long workout, you have to use your time wisely.

Start by getting in the zone. Tell yourself that this workout requires your full attention and commit to focusing for the next 10 minutes. During each exercise, pay attention to your form and the muscles you’re using. Creating a mind-muscle connection will help you get a better workout! Avoid just going through the motions. Give it your all!

Here are three workouts you can complete in 10 minutes or less!

9 Minute HIIT
Complete each move for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds. Complete 3 rounds.
Walking Lunges
Walking Push Ups
Squat Jacks
Mountain Climbers
Butterfly Crunch

Circuit Total Body
Complete each move for 45 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds. Complete 2 rounds.
Wood Chops with Ball or Dumbbell
Side to side squats
Bicep Curls
Single Leg deadlifts (switch sides halfway through)

10 Minute HIIT
Complete each move for 40 seconds. Rest for 20 seconds. Complete 1 round.
Reverse lunge to front kick (switch sides halfway through)
Walking Push Ups
Star Jumps
Mountain climbers
Plank Tucks
Curtsy Lunges
Plank Jacks
Squat Jumps

Try these workouts between Netflix shows, first thing in the am, or even at the park! Breaking a sweat doesn’t have to take 60 minutes. Enjoy and get moving!

Article Courtesy of Kim Perry.

Easy, At Home 10 Minute Workouts

Kim is a dedicated and energetic Fit Mom and blogger. As a prenatal and postnatal expert, Kim shares time-saving workouts, quick healthy meals and ways to live a happier life! She is a mother and a teacher who shows busy women how to live the life they want through mindset shifts and energy building tools!

5 Workout Tips for Busy Moms

5 Workout Tips for Busy Moms

As a mom, you need to have strength and energy to take care of your kids. Feeling tired and out of shape is not an option. But working out with a toddler is not an easy task. Between diaper changes, play time and making sure everyone is fed and happy, it can be hard to find time to take care of yourself. Don’t be discouraged! There’s a way to make it work!

Here are my tips for staying fit as a busy mom.

  1. Don’t waste time: Your time is so valuable as a mom. Driving to and from the gym can be very time-consuming. Instead, spend that time getting a good workout at home! Use your time wisely so you can spend more time with your family.
  2. Get creative: Stay open-minded about working out! Squeeze in 10 squats every time you change a diaper, do 10 push-ups while you’re waiting for the microwave, hold a plank on the living room floor while your baby crawls underneath you! Look for opportunities to exercise.
  3. Stay focused: Stay present and focused during your workouts. You will create a mind-body connection and get more bang for your buck when you stay mentally connected to the exercises. Pay attention to your form, strength, speed and reps! A 10 minute workout will be more effective than an hour of distracted exercise at the gym.
  4. Every bit counts: “I don’t have time to workout!” I hear this every day! But the truth is your workouts don’t have to be an hour long! 20 minute, 10 minute and even 5 minute workouts are effective! Staying consistent with your workouts will make the biggest difference in your health and fitness. The small workouts add up so stay committed and consistent.
  5. Find what works for you: You may prefer to workout during nap time… Or maybe you’re like me and workout before the sunrises. What’s important is that you find what works for YOU! What can you maintain? What would get you excited to workout? Finding out what works for you will help you find consistency, stay motivated and start seeing results!

Nobody’s perfect! Don’t stress about exercise. Take opportunities when you see them and stick to these 5 tips! You deserve to feel strong and healthy!

Article Courtesy of Kim Perry.

5 Workout Tips for Busy Moms

Kim is a dedicated and energetic Fit Mom and blogger. As a prenatal and postnatal expert, Kim shares time-saving workouts, quick healthy meals and ways to live a happier life! She is a mother and a teacher who shows busy women how to live the life they want through mindset shifts and energy building tools!

9 Tips for Safe Stroller Walks

9 Tips for Safe Stroller Walks

Summer is in full swing which means longer days, beautiful weather and more time for walks! I love grabbing my water, throwing on some sunglasses and loading Ayla into her stroller. We take off down the street wave every time a car passes by. I love spending time outside and the fresh air gives me energy!

Walking is a relaxing, peaceful and a great way to keep your body moving all summer long. Anyone can do it and it requires little equipment -sneakers and a stroller! There’s also a bunch of benefits of walking:

  • Helps you maintain a healthy weight
  • Prevents or manages various conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes
  • Strengthens your bones and muscles
  • Improves your mood!

But there are a few things to remember before taking off! For your safety and the safety of your children, it’s important to take the proper precautions before you hit the pavement.

  1. Always notify someone where you are going: I make sure to call or text a family member if I’m heading out for a walk. I let them know where I’m heading and approximately how long I will be out. It’s nice to have someone nearby too, just in case you walk too far, get thirsty, or have a diaper emergency!
  2. Find the right location: Look for local parks that have a loop. Sometimes they’ll have a playground for playing afterwards and a bathroom too! I like to find a nice quiet road or neighborhood – sidewalks are preferred! There a tons of trails nearby but I try to walk with someone if I’ll be in an isolated area, which brings us to #3.
  3. Grab a buddy: If you know another mom or have a friend in the area, ask them to join you! It’s a great way to catch up and chat while getting in some exercise! They will be glad you asked.
  4. Protect yourself: Lather on the sunscreen and bug spray and always check for ticks! Wear protective sunglasses and hats. Make sure your baby is comfortable and shaded, out of direct sunlight.
  5. Stay cool:Walking early in the morning before the sun gets hot will help you stay cool. Or you could go on a stroll before or after dinner to unwind from the day. Try to avoid walking when the sun is at its peak for a more enjoyable stroll!
  6. Follow proper walking etiquette: There are a few things every walker should know:
  • Always walk against traffic so you can see oncoming cars.
  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times! Cars, animals, runners, bicyclists are everywhere!
  • Limit your distractions, no cell phones or headphones!
  • Be courteous to other walkers/runners
  1. Pack a bag: Pack a small bag that can fit on your stroller. It doesn’t hurt to have a spare tissue, snack or toy just in case! Always bring water!
  2. Keep track of time: It’s easy to get caught up in conversation or your surroundings. I like to walk away from my house for 15-20 minutes, and then turn around and beat my time coming back! Time your walks and pay attention to your speed! Walking faster will get your heart rate up and energy pumping!
  3. Keep them engaged: I use walks as a learning experience for Ayla. I love singing the ABC’s to her, describe the surroundings, or counting our steps (only for 30 seconds or so!)

Now get out there and enjoy some quality time with your little ones! See you on the streets!

Article Courtesy of Kim Perry.

5 Workout Tips for Busy Moms

Kim is a dedicated and energetic Fit Mom and blogger. As a prenatal and postnatal expert, Kim shares time-saving workouts, quick healthy meals and ways to live a happier life! She is a mother and a teacher who shows busy women how to live the life they want through mindset shifts and energy building tools!