25 Active Date Ideas
While going on dates can certainly be fun, a typical night out with a romantic partner often ends up being focused on eating ...
read moreGetting your body moving during a busy work day sometimes seems impossible. It can be difficult to get steps in while working behind a desk all day – we get it. Thankfully, you don’t need to disrupt your workflow in order to move around during work hours. If you’re looking for some simple ways to keep moving without disrupting your work day, you’re in luck! We’ve broken down ways to keep active both morning, evening and night.
If you have a few minutes to kill in the morning, take a couple laps around the office and say good morning to your coworkers! It can be tempting to get into the office and sit down right away at your desk. If this isn’t already a part of your work routine, it is a simple change you can make in no time. Who knows, maybe some of your coworkers will be motivated to move with you! By starting the day off with movement, you’re mood and energy levels will spike! Who wouldn’t want to star their day off on the right foot?! We understand mornings can be busy but don’t worry – you don’t need to take out a chunk of your morning to do this. In fact, according to the Primary Care Companion 30 minutes of exercise is needed in order to be beneficial. Luckily, those 30 minutes don’t need to be completed in one go! This morning routine could be one of three 10 minute walks to move without completely disrupting your workday!
The afternoon is prime-time for getting up, moving and taking advantage of all the benefits walking has to offer. Thankfully, you can accomplish this without disrupting your workflow! We don’t suggest you take your whole lunch break to go on a walk – food is important too! Instead, split your break in half – spend the first half walking and the other refueling your body with food. If the weather is nice, we recommend taking a walk outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunlight. If you can’t get out, you can always try walking in and around your building! Really, anywhere you feel comfortable walking – do it! Walking in the afternoon is great because you’re not disrupting your normal workflow to get those steps in. Actually, your job benefits from you moving throughout the day too! Charlotte Andersen of Reader’s Digest points out that walking and moving your body improves creativity, eliminates stress and enhances brain performance. Not only will you physically benefit from an afternoon walk, but your mental and cognitive state will as well.
Before your work day ends, try standing up behind your desk to stretch your body out. If you have a height adjusting desk, this would work perfectly and allow you to continue working until the end of your shift. Don’t sweat it if you don’t! If you’re not working behind a computer, walk around the office to file your paperwork or clean up your work space. When the end of the day starts to slow down, get in a few laps by walking around the building or block to decompress after a long day. Being able to move around at the end of the day is great if you have a long commute home. If you work from home at night, try tackling your tasks while you move. For example, if you work on your phone often and have access to a gym why not do both at the same time? Of course everyone’s routines are different – see what works best for your workflow and body.
We get that it can be difficult to work in time to move during a busy and hectic schedule. That being said, you can take some small steps (pun unintended) to add movement in between down time. For example, if there is someone in another department or part of the building you need to meet with, try walking to their office instead of calling them on the phone. Similarly, if there is paperwork that needs to be filed, copied or saved, take a walk to do so instead of waiting until the end of the week. If you are lucky and do get some down time, use that time to your advantage! Instead of browsing social media or scrolling the Internet, take a quick lap or two around the office. Additionally, if you usually buy lunch from the office café, take a walk to a restaurant or café near you to pick up lunch and enjoy some fresh air! Remember – you don’t have to stop moving once you leave the office. Here are some super fast workouts you can complete at home when you need to get your sweat on.
You may be surprised that small tweaks to your daily work routine could help you get some movement into your day. We suggest taking this change slow, altering your routine day by day. That way, you will find yourself getting into the swing of things in no time! With these suggestions of simple ways to keep moving, your mental and physical state will thank you when you take that quick 10 minute walk around the office!
25 Active Date Ideas
While going on dates can certainly be fun, a typical night out with a romantic partner often ends up being focused on eating ...
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