25 Active Date Ideas
While going on dates can certainly be fun, a typical night out with a romantic partner often ends up being focused on eating ...
read moreLately, there’s been a big debate around the breakfast table. Is this meal really the most important of the day? Will you actually consume less calories for lunch and dinner if you eat eggs and bacon first-thing? If you cut through all the noise, you’ll realize it’s not breakfast itself that is either “good” or “bad” for you. Instead, it’s how to “do” breakfast, which carries over to the choices you make throughout the rest of your day.
We’re going to break down the facts so you can understand how breakfast is a critical component to overall good health. Then we’ll share some great breakfast options so you can always start your day off on the right foot.
Breakfast — Why It Matters
The most important reason to eat breakfast is that it kick-starts your metabolism. Even if you’re not super hungry, something light (like a piece of fruit) will actually help keep you full later on in the day. Getting calories in you early also provides energy after you wake up, which you need at the beginning of a school or work day. It’s called break-fast for a reason; you’re breaking a fast from not eating all night long, and your blood sugar is typically low when you first wake up. You need to replenish your body with a healthful meal so it knows to start taking your food and turning it into fuel. If you don’t eat first thing, there’s a good chance you’ll simply overeat later in the day.
Jump-starting your metabolism with something for breakfast is a way to tell your body that you are already on your way to consuming your daily caloric goal. If you skip breakfast, your body will think it needs to conserve what you consume — versus burn it off — meaning you might be holding onto extra sugars and fats your body would normally metabolize. Science backs this up, too; there’s a chance you’ll eat fewer calories if you skip breakfast, but those people still typically have higher BMIs (body mass index), which is a measure of body fat based on your weight in relation to your height. Other studies show that people who eat breakfast are more likely to meet their recommended fruit and veggie intake (hello veggie omelet!), consume more fiber and calcium, and overall have better attention, memory, and energy throughout the day.
When you wake up, don’t snooze your alarm and then rush out the door with a half-frozen waffle or store-bought muffin! Use your mornings to your advantage and take the time to eat a good meal. This doesn’t mean you need to slave away at the stove for two hours; instead, it’s all about planning ahead so you can make something quickly and easily. Believe us, your body will thank you.
The best way to approach breakfast is to eat a combination of foods that contain carbs, which will give you that good morning zap of energy, fiber, to help you feel full, protein, to keep you energized throughout the day, and healthy fats, which help you absorb nutrients and can even boost brain power!
Here are some easy breakfast options that are healthy, delicious, and easy to make, specifically categorized so everyone is satisfied.
At the end of the day, the beginning of your day will determine how your body feels. Don’t let a busy morning or a snoozed-alarm clock stop you from remembering to eat something healthful and delicious. We promise it will help keep energy levels up, appetites under control, and bodies feeling strong, lean, and supported by an A+ diet.
25 Active Date Ideas
While going on dates can certainly be fun, a typical night out with a romantic partner often ends up being focused on eating ...
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